Training Courses
JLTS has devised a series of three training courses, which have been specifically designed to help Professionals who work with vulnerable children and their families. They are especially beneficial for Professionals and individuals (parents/guardians) who have involvement with children/young people that struggle to regulate their emotions and behaviour in the classroom or at home, and who may have also experienced some unsuccessful statutory interventions.
Our training courses comprise of:
Our training courses are designed to complement each other and, although they are stand-alone courses, we recommend they are undertaken together for continuity and a better learning experience.
JLTS's training courses have been written and developed by Jess Lovibond, and animated and narrated by the very talented Gary Nightingale.
How to enrol

JLTS Training Courses
Holistic Assessment for Contextual Safeguarding and the Benefits of Supervision
The first of our 3 training courses will help you to understand what Contextual Safeguarding is and the importance of it in your practice; as well as introducing the concept and principles of Holistic Assessment and explaining why Holistic Assessment gives the best chance of a positive outcome from a single intervention. In addition, you will gain an understanding of what Supervision is and the importance of it for good practice and self-care.
What is Holistic Assessment for Contextual Safeguarding?
Holistic Assessment for Contextual Safeguarding gives the best chance of a positive outcome from a single intervention
Holistic Assessment for Contextual Safeguarding is a process for assessing the overall well-being and safety of an individual within the context of their family, community, and environment. It involves gathering information from multiple sources, including the individual, their family, and relevant professionals, and using that information to identify any potential risks or concerns. The assessment also includes an evaluation of the individual's strengths and support systems, as well as the provision of appropriate interventions and support. The goal of holistic assessment is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual's situation and to ensure that any interventions are tailored to their specific needs.
Learn How to Successfully Implement Holistic Assessment in Your Practice
Through our Holistic Assessment for Contextual Safeguarding training course you will cover the following topics:
An introduction to Contextual Safeguarding
The importance of Contextual Safeguarding
The principles of Holistic Assessment
Reframing through Holistic Assessment
The Holistic Assessment Framework
Professional Judgment
What is Supervision and why should we have it?
Who is this training course for?
Knowledge and implementation of Holistic Assessment is beneficial to Professionals, such as teachers, social workers and health professionals, who work with vulnerable children and families.
You will find this course especially helpful if you work with children/young people who are struggling to regulate their behaviour and emotions at home or in the classroom, and may also have experienced some statutory interventions which have not been successful.
Individuals and parents who wish to further their personal development and knowledge can also benefit from the contents of this course.
What can I use this knowledge for?
The skills you will learn can be used as a basis for future practice in the workplace to improve positive outcomes from a single intervention.
What is Supervision?
In relation to the topics covered in this course we also felt it important to include training regarding Supervision. Supervision refers to the process of providing guidance and support to Professionals as they carry out their duties. This can include providing feedback, discussing ethical dilemmas, and helping you to develop the skills and knowledge you need to effectively undertake your duties. Supervision plays an important role in your professional development; it helps to prevent burnout and is important for good practice and self-care.
What do I need for this Training Course?
What you need for this course:
No experience or prior knowledge is required, but curiosity is encouraged!
A pen and paper to take notes and record your thoughts
Think of a specific child/individual you are working with (or have previously worked with), or your own child - and have them in mind throughout - this will help relate the content to your practice

Understanding ACEs and the Importance of Trauma-Aware practice
Our second training course will give you an understanding of what ACEs are, what trauma is and the therapeutic importance of trauma-awareness. You will learn how being trauma-aware in your practice will improve outcomes for the child and family. On completion you will be able to recognise ACEs and Trauma, be able to tell the difference and know how to work compassionately with them.
What are ACEs and Trauma-Aware Practice?
Trauma-Aware Practice improves outcomes for the child and family
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) refer to traumatic experiences that occur during childhood and can have lasting, negative effects on a person's health and well-being. Research has shown that ACEs increase the risk of developing a range of health problems later in life, including chronic diseases, mental health issues, and substance abuse. The concept of ACEs is important in understanding the long-term effects of childhood trauma and in promoting resilience and healing in individuals who have experienced ACEs.
Trauma-Aware practice is a method of providing support to individuals who have experienced trauma, that recognises the impact of trauma on a person's life and behavior, and seeks to avoid re-traumatisation. This approach focuses on creating a safe, empowering, and supportive environment that takes into account the individual's experiences, needs, and strengths. It also involves being mindful of the potential triggers and stressors that may arise during interactions and seeks to address these in a compassionate and respectful manner. The goal of Trauma-Aware practice is to help individuals heal and recover from their traumatic experiences.
Understand ACEs and Trauma and How to Become Trauma-Aware in Your Practice
Through our Understanding ACE's and the Importance of Trauma-Aware Pracitc training course you will cover the following topics:
Why it is important to know about ACEs
What ACEs are
What Trauma is
How Trauma affects the brain
Generational Trauma
What Trauma-Aware-Practice is
Attachment Theory
Maslow's Hierachy of Needs
Who is this training course for?
Understanding ACEs and the Importance of Trauma-Aware Practice is beneficial for Professionals such as teachers, social workers and health professionals, who work with vulnerable children and families.
Individuals and parents who wish to further their personal development and knowledge can also benefit from the contents of this course.
What can I use this knowledge for?
You will find this course especially helpful if you work with vulnerable children/young people and their families as you can use your learning as a basis for future practice in the workplace to improve positive outcomes.
What do I need for this Training Course?
What you need for this course:
No experience or prior knowledge is required, but curiosity is encouraged!
A pen and paper to take notes and record your thoughts
Think of a specific child/individual you are working with (or have previously worked with), or your own child - and have them in mind throughout - this will help relate the content to your practice

Behaviour as Communication
An introduction to child-centred practice
Our third in our series of training courses will give you an understanding of how behaviour is used to communicate; the therapeutic importance of non-verbal communication and why your own language and position are so important to a child's understanding. You will also learn how being child-centred in your practice will improve outcomes for the child and family.
What is Child-Centred Practice?
Child-Centred Practice improves outcomes for the child and family
Child-centred practice is an approach to child care and education that places the needs and interests of the child at the center of all decision-making. This approach values the child's unique experiences and perspectives, and recognizes that children are capable, competent and active learners. Child-centred practices focus on creating a supportive, responsive and stimulating environment for children to explore, play, and learn, and aim to empower children to reach their full potential through experiences that are tailored to their individual needs and abilities.
Discover how understanding Behaviour as Communication Can Help You
Through our Behaviour as Communication training course you will cover the following topics:
An introduction to Behaviour as Communication
Non-verbal communication
Listening and listening styles
Being aware of ourselves
The Johari Window
Why chaotic children need boundaries
Boundaries and consistency
Child-centred practice
Who is this training course for?
Knowledge of Behaviour as Communication and Child-Centred Practice is beneficial for Professionals such as teachers, social workers and health professionals, who work with vulnerable children and families.
Individuals and parents who wish to further their personal development and knowledge can also benefit from the contents of this course.
What can I use this knowledge for?
You will find this course especially helpful if you work with vulnerable children/young people and their families as you can use your learning as a basis for future practice in the workplace to improve positive outcomes.
What do I need for this Training Course?
What you need for this course:
No experience or prior knowledge is required, but curiosity is encouraged!
A pen and paper to take notes and record your thoughts
Think of a specific child/individual you are working with (or have previously worked with), or your own child - and have them in mind throughout - this will help relate the content to your practice

Course Creator - jess lovibond
Course creator, Jess Lovibond, is a therapeutic practitioner with a PGC in Applied Systemic Theory (Family Therapy), and has over 20 years experience working with children and families in both social care and school settings. Through her work and experience, Jess has implemented an existing practice model in an entirely new way via Holistic Assessment, creating a unique holistic approach, which she is now sharing! This approach has proven to be a very successful method for people who are experiencing difficulties with complex relationships.
In 2000, Jess Lovibond began working with families in residential children’s homes, in front line social work, and later, in mainstream schools. Her work has focused on supporting children/ young people with their unique special educational needs (SEN) and their social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs.
Jess is a qualified child-centred therapeutic practitioner. She has qualifications as a specialist children and young person counsellor, and PGC in Applied Systemic Theory. Jess is a contextual safeguarding practitioner and is a Freedom project facilitator.
This means Jess starts any therapeutic work with the child themselves, and then explores the dynamic around that child. Her practice includes compiling a detailed assessment of three generations of the family to better understand how the family functions, and how the child operates within that family.
Through Jess’s work and experience she has implemented an existing practice model in an entirely new way, creating The JLTS Model, a unique holistic approach. This has proven to be a very successful method for people who are experiencing difficulties with complex relationships.
The JLTS Model is very successful for families who are going through tough times and our unique Holistic Assessment Framework ensures that Contextual Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do.